Friday, August 21, 2009

Get Dirty in a Mud Volcano

A short drive from Cartagena, Colombia, brings you to El Totumo, an active 2300 meter (7,500 ft) deep mud volcano. Upon arrival, you walk up some wooden stairs and plunge into the cool mud. You are constantly reminded that you are sitting in an active volcano as mud bubbles surround you. Perhaps you think you are at some strange spa as there are plenty of masseurs on hand. I'll admit it was a little strange having local men "massage" me while I was floating in the so-called therapeutic mud. My husband sure wasn't a fan of getting a rub-down. What's better (or worse) is having the local women scrub the mud off of us in the nearby river. Yes, they do strip you naked. Many hotels and tour companies in Cartagena can set you up on the half-day tour.

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